Separate names with a comma.
status mesage
Idk if anyone said this already (too lazy to read everything) but it would be nice if there was a teams mode instead of just one mode. Teaming is...
Idk if someone already asked this or is already answered but is there going to be an Easter sale?
I think this is a great idea but the killing __ amount of players can easily be farmed by friends and can be abused. In addition this could lead...
Chkns chkns#2011 Ploop droop gloop croop
Gang gang
maybe instead of kit money u get kit blocks :0 that would be cool
Overhash W Overhash#0001
That’s an amazing idea but it would mean only pvpers will get this most of the time and people would start camping and farming theses. To counter...
this has been happening to me as well, but it glitched back into my inventory, weird..
hey pup, sorry for being unclear! there will be no “blocks you get” to when you redeem the item, you will only get a paper that’s has a random...
heya! In my head, I envisioned it similar to a money pouch where it would give you a random amount of blocks. e.g (ancient block pouch-tier 1):...
IGN:chkns rank:X2
Buster__man lowkey thicc
This may sound really dumb and useless or it can be really useful or cool. My idea is a pouch kinda like the ancient/mythical money pouches but...
I was totally clueless of the pvp mine beacons, that makes more sense made a good point 1+ for me.
hi chkns here, chkns feels like the beacon in myth/ancient keys is not a problem, it’s the amount we are getting and how common they are. Let’s...
Chicken disguise :))))))))