Separate names with a comma.
7dab/Aluite#3775/ i would love to win bc you are cute. GLHF all
lol it is too trigger sorry BB
Well you forgot daddy_cox and shlmochromo BTW
1. Shlomochromo 2. Curtman1532 3. xPenguino/523 4. LordCronos 5. CrunchyIce 6. Mqney 7. Gilgamesh2015 8. Josu 9. iAncient 10. Twizz 11....
i feel that their should be more spots for newer players alot off those players dont even play anymore but still a good list
i agree steve with his almighty fist lol Miguel only cleans so idk about that one chief
I agree to a certain extentand i agree with money by which curtman is better then you abd dont forget about twizz he is a really good player too
I strongly agree bc there are always like lvl 100 players that are just now getting banned for stuff and that means that they have plenty hours on...
i feels like recently the server has been alot worse i have gone from 30 ms to 70-120 and get stuck in blocks all the time but the game is still...
lol feels bad i have been lag killed in p5 3 times but i can give you some gaps if you want
Sad to see an OG go but feel free to come back when every you want man will miss you in the community
I Like the idea of more kits bc the one's right now are in low supply but super high demand so more kits would be very nice
I Think the last reset was around late December.
I honestly agree we should do something as a community to get rid of cf's or place restrictions on them to keep them contained in my eye's
In my opinion i feel coin flips ruin the economy by increasing the price's of most items in the game including P5 sets, rename scrolls. and kit...
I agree I get pot lag a lot and just get a lot of lag and cant out heal the damage a player is giving off it sucks when you are in p5 )-;
honestly people rely on gaps ttoo much and it isn't fun bc can just gap spam
I agree to the max people doing 400k cf's shouldn't be on kit pvp I feel it ruins the same and economy on the server
in My options just get good at block hitting and get down combing. being able to counter it is very helpful
Looking to be mod and helper and gain friends and knowledge though out this journey