Separate names with a comma.
Hey! I've been searching to listen to some new albums, so I'm looking for some recommendations. I like every genre besides country(cause it is...
as you probably know the a lot of the player base is toxic, and always know how to create drama. The only thing that can really stop it from...
Hi everyone! So the main focus of life is edating, this is why we live. I’m curios, who’s your favorite person to edate?
A lot of times I wonder how easy it would be to report players ing with a command like /chatreport, so why it hasn’t been added yet? I know...
i build a lot in creative. Ive made lots of plots in my years and I always have the same problem- moving the plot to spawn. In my knowledge only...
Powders are removed from w/e in creative, the reason for that was lag because they used to fall down. But now all powders stay in the air. So I...
Hi I realy like to consume food, especially when it’s on a plate. What’s your favorite food to consume? (If ur not a fan of consuming food you...