Separate names with a comma.
1. BtwImQuestion 2. Ypalbackx 3. Chaxx12 4. SweatyBomb 5. StrafingChaos_Jr 6. UglyKidSteve 7. nonRacist 8. iGhost 9. Steelzy 10. Lunatix These...
The MFDOOM fanboys + Mfdoom is unbanned rip guys it’s very sad oof oof oof very sad :((((((((((((( I am sad gonna go cry I in corner now oof oof...
Kit Rookie - Full chain (Iron chestplate) iron sword, power 1 infitt 1 bow, strength and speed splash, 1 hp Kit coal - Same as rookie, but with...
KitPvP best Creative Arena PvP CTF SG UHC skywars murdermayhem SpeedyWall Survival ChampionBuilder Prison Skyblock fsctions worst
What rank are u I’m immortal
No order Sueser AcceStrafes_ Nyzy Maserson Driplet TWlZZ Jcson Gilgamesh2015 Zehms_ Jubsz Curtman1532 THESEV66 Respoke iHeartBleach Yeetsterrr...
Make top 10 have a podium, top 25 be on a hologram at spawn. This will make peaople grind but not have to get top 6 to get recognized. Yes there...
$2.50 fix for emerald -diamond 5$ fix for Iron - Lapis 10$ fix for coal 15$ fix for rookies free for bedrock + this is a non p2w way for every...
Remove thorns. Thorns makes p5 1v1s tedious and less skill based. Remove Punch 3 - Pubch 2 lets people run enough already. Remove hellforge and...
What the title says
We need custom enchants from myth keys 10 Grinder 2 books 15 Fire res books 5 Strenght Books 30 Speed books 2 hf2 books lmk what u think Also...
I’ve always wondered why ium and Deadlines are blacklisted they were good staff
I have been asked this a lot so here goes P4: Protection 4 P5: Protection 5 S5: Sharpness 5 S6: Sharpness 6
ok, so because it costs money to fix all, and rookies have it too, it means there is so many bhoppers in p4. It is absurd. I have 15+ deaths. To...
You should get perks based on level. When you get to the orange levels, you should receive fix all for only 20$ When you get to the blue levels,...
hello! I have been Immortal Rank for over a year (IGN is KitPvPReset) And I for the first time tried to use lobby cosmetics. A lot of the death...
Do the poll
I have been noticing a large amount of people making threads about the anti cheat, so I thought I would clear some things up! 1. To report...
On subservers like Skyblock and Prison, you are instantly teleported to the hub when typing /Hub. On factions and KitPvP, there is a 3 second...
some reset ideas! say which you like! Make Rookie kit have an iron sword instead of a diamond axe. I don’t see any real problems with this as it...