Separate names with a comma.
i just want your love and affection
love me back <333
currently over the rainbow
Hey There, I already met with you in game, so now that you have the screenshots showing your full screen, whereami and proof you're going to want...
Hey there, Happy Birthday! Do you know what happens when you get older? Your memory fails you... haha just kidding, i think. I can't even...
You need to then message an admin. They are listed under "staff".
Hey there, So I was curious about this and decided to ask someone with more knowledge than me and from my understanding if the players already...
some things were never meant to be
Hey Breeezies, I think that's really sweet of you to do :) I always find it wholesome to read/see people do kind things for others because it...
Hey Rose, Personally I've been playing video games, watching netflix, and chatting with friends throughout this quarantine. Most of the posts...
Hey There, My favorite minigame overall is Survival Games. It's pretty fun to just run around the map and look for items and get OP. I usually...
hi ginger
hi ma'am, i'd like to report a robbery. Someone seems to have stolen my love and affection. I think there's only one person capable of doing so,...
hello luv, was just thinking abt how much I adore u xo
omg we're edating now :flushed:
cut me with your jawline
why can't you look more like your dog. Your dog is cute you are not. gn strx
Im sorry I don't speak broke. But you clearly do, since you got your skin off of Skindex. Looks like the rat has managed to find herself a way out...
Hello, my name is Benny and I’m new here! So I’m joining the giveaway. My discord is Benny#2420 in case you would like to be friends. My...