Separate names with a comma.
you right
Well, maps that have been around that long should be rotated out anyways in all honesty. We need new maps to keep things fresh. You don't need to...
So regardless if my pvp changes were implemented, it'd still happen either way. Also, we can't confuse defending your flag with camping because...
By kill farming I assume you mean the other team spawn killing or are you talking about one person from one team boosting another player for...
Heyo, after playing a few games of CTF I have a couple of ideas that crossed my mind. Suggestion #1 - I strongly believe pvp would be a lot more...
That was what Timppali said in an earlier post. As multiple have stated, there needs to be patience in the community. I have seen way too many...
Actually that would just lead to people making useless posts instead of quality posts that contribute to the community. There are people that do...
Using the reasoning that Joseph Stalin isnt as well-known is absolutely absurd. I understand the player base consists of young children, coming...
It hasn't even been a week since the update..I am sure over the course of time & especially next few weeks we will see improvements but we need to...
I completely disagree with adding new ranks to the store. The network has plenty of ranks and there has already been complaints that ranks don't...
I think it's fairly reasonable that the skin should be blacklisted considering Joseph Stalin killed millions of (more actually than Hitler)...
I play on SK & SG, so if you're ever down to play it lmk. Disc is Dog7000#9930
I stated this in another thread that we need to give the administration time as they're bound to make improvements over the course of a few weeks....
Honestly I rarely experienced the lagged back issue so I can't complain, however, I'm definitely glad that the administration team acknowledged...
Are they still using AAC or a new one entirely? Im unable to get on for a few days so I'm curious how this anticheat is compared to the previous one.
According to @Pznda it doesn't take place on MCC or I just completely misinterpreted what he said, twice now. I knew screensharing took place...
@Pznda Ah okay, now I understand. If screensharing were to be implemented who should be authorized to perform it? The staff members authorized...
I disagree screensharing should be performed regularly. That is a tool that should be used to find closet cheaters.
If you feel as though your unban wasn't justified then make an appeal here. Asking what players think is irrelevant as we have no control over...
Honestly, I'm surprised a network like MCCentral is using a public anticheat and not a custom one. That being said, there are far more reliable...