Separate names with a comma.
Nikki: Remember to include a capital letter at the start of every sentence to be grammatically correct! Please also remember to include a full...
Thank you Timppali! It is an honor to correct and serve for your forums! Remember: Grammar Is The Way of Life!
Yes, you’re right. It is a bit disrespectful making an account just for Grandmothers. #JusticeForGrandfathers!
EssentialsPlus: In your posts above, you have misspelt hacking, game and stupid as well as not including a capital “I” and not putting a full...
Remember to include a full stop after you end a sentence.
Both of you have forgotten to include a full stop in your posts. This is something that you are taught in first grade. The Grammar Police...
Hello! I am a member of the Unofficial Grammar Police Department. My job is to correct all grammar mistakes on forums and help out!
Simplistiq: In the post above, you have appeared to have broken a serious grammar offence. In your last line, you have forgotten to include a...
Dionnysus: I hate to correct you, but your post is full of grammatical errors. You have spelt choosing wrong in the second last line, you have...
I actually won a game of kit pvp once