Separate names with a comma.
Remember to include capital letters when it’s appropriate, and finish your sentence with a full stop, question mark or exclamation point!
Timppali, want to join the Granmar Police Force? You seem to be very capable at correcting people’s grammar.
Where is your full stop?
“What is your hourly pay rate?”*
Happy birthday!
I agree with what AcceptedAppeal has stated. Please hack Mojang so you can add an apostrophe in your username.
I said that, didn’t I?
SniikeZ, where is your full stop?
In the sentence above you have included many serious grammatical errors. What you should have said is “Can you please not correct my grammar, as...
You should have included a full stop, or in this case an exclamation mark to show your excitement. Anyway, hello to you too!
I am not a mother. I am not even a parent, and if you believed I was a mother, you should have said “You’re a mom.” If you are talking about my...
I see someone has beaten me to correcting you.
Oh I’m not one of those bad cops that’ll torture your family! Only you >:D! However, if you download Grammarly, I might be slightly nicer!
I already have a job though. I am a Grammar Police officer!
Splat1221: You have made two very serious grammatical mistakes. Please remember to put a capital letter at the start of each sentence and a full...
@Teddzy : I have been scrolling through your posts, and noticed you have made some very serious grammatical errors. You have misspelt “You’re” as...
Please remember to include a full stop, or in this case, a question mark at the end of a sentence!
My personal favourite moment this year has been joining the forums, to share my knowledge on grammar! It’s an honor to correct and serve to this...
Please remember to include a capital letter at the start of every sentence, and use a full stop to end your sentence, or in this case, an...