Separate names with a comma.
Another problem with chunk loaders is they keep running even if a player no longer plays anymore until reset basically. So in addition to farms...
I have more than double the money I showed last time, and it wouldn't have happened had I not bought creepers/sell wands to keep up for IRL money....
Yah, it really kills game integrity. Some worked really hard for their IRL deals.
It would be cool if we can make them any length and it could like tie in to an island name, not just the leaders name. You see, MC doesn't allow...
I'd drag the server to 1.14 screaming and eventually lose the player base when it ultimately spontaneously combusts.
Yah, kinda why I said next season for a new rule or something, not much can be done now, and if it was a rule I dont mean for it to be something...
You're right. I wanted it as a new rule going forward. To be fair, when it happened, they were not advertising "syn", and I had been for a long...
We found out today it indeed doesn't really follow an order rule. You'll notice what first tab autocomplete is isn't what you may warp to. I've...
The top player on skyblock, em, had /is warp imp for a long time, but now that's gone. That's normal if someone has an account name alphabetically...
People still build their own generators. At the beginning of the season, these generators were just PACKED. And often when I'd use them, I'd only...
When a player like me asks people to put some item I dont want to make on AH for exorbitant prices, I don't think that helps.
The problem moving to 1.14 for the time being is performance is terrible, even still pretty bad on paper spigot -it's improving, but stuff like...
Money is a shitty reward on skyblock. The boss fights are often crowded at least on skb1, and you get nothing but essentially a participation...
The anti-cheat was recently broken, and they're fixing it as fast as possible. They're not actively ignoring this, they know this isn't good for...
You'd be surprised at how many people configure obs wrong. It's very simple for you or I who understand video stuff, but not others. With the obs...
XD Although counterpoint to 3, I see people, early season at least, lose all their stuff in CF and buy keys to have more to pour into cfs.
Also you wont get a mute if you dont spam. On skb, they're pretty lenient as ads are important there, just like send them 45secs-1 minute apart,...
This is mostly a joke. I see so many people cry about losing and people begging them to stop
I think you should be able to have it so where if enough of your peers are concerned about you, they can ban you from cf for 3 days (doesn't work...