Separate names with a comma.
Hi, I'm RigBot. I'm experience with java coding, I have made several AntiCheats over the years that detect the littlest of reach. I'd say I'm...
holy frik, they just need NCP upgraded to the newest version, no time is needed to upgrad
NCP upgrade, takes 2 minutes to install THATS IT
Update to new NCP... that's all
Exactly, all they need to do is reinstall NCP's newest version. That's it!
add me on discord
You shoudl add me on discord
HEy banks
I like cheese yum yum yum
I believe that's not with the eula, since MCCentral used to have unbans on the store but for now; try to buy an unban from staff :wink: (jk don't)
hEy thaTs nOt vErY niCe
add me on idsocrd!!
Yes, I'm trying to get ahead!
yeah we're going to have to wait for next season to see what disaster is coming next
at school
?\?? yessir
hi, what is your favorite type of cheese? thank you
-cough- is much better - cough-
This feature is going to get removed easily next season..
thanks boss <3 (will b missed)