Separate names with a comma.
i mean even tho it's entertaining, its obviously fake its 100% fake if u don't agree you dont have a brain
i saw pumah write this and i cannot agree more, so i wanted to share his message with everyone else (this was a while ago) make p5 rare not...
there are like 3 mods who are useful when it comes to banning rest takes 30 min or like 15 min to respond, and there are literally no staff...
can there be staffs that are designated to kitpvp? cause 99% of the hackers are on kitpvp lol, and usually from my experience it takes 9 days for...
they should just reset whole server lol, and get new staff who actually engages in the server and cares about it, few mods already do but the...
you contradict yourself, it is pay 2 win, making rookies able to mine spawners then its not pay 2 win, thats why the mccentral lost a lot of...
cap they're not awesome, fun servers have high playbase like hypixel, mcc central has maximum 600 players and they use bots to fake their...
kitpvp has been dying fast, owners and admins doesnt give a shit about that so dont play that its dead and they want it to die out, hackers...
well now im ipbanned cause the system is so unbelievably idiotic, want to say ty to some homies in kitpvp akera, grutato, turfs notsry many more,...
can't you make so that uhc is a gamemod that can be played frequently like on hypixel for example? i know u cant give out prices if that is the...
damn u nailed it, exactly what kitpvp needs, 100% agree and this should be added asap. thank u insaneismyname finally someone who actually agrees...
Since kitpvp is obviously dead, i have a suggestion which would be so nice imo. People should have plots, it would be so much easier for people...
aight, didn't know y'all admins and owners are actually delusional asf? kitpvp is dying over 30 players have complained (even more) about how...
It would be favorable for everyone, people playing solo can actually have a chance of winning, and people who teams can actually get a challenge...
xD well i must say the dedication is immeasurable, and good tactic hiring people, gotta spend money 2 make money.
i think the reason that the chat looks ugly when special characthers are used is not a reason, it's a preference for people, and i don't think...
Since im talking about maps, i'd like to suggest that new maps should be featured and avaliable, would be nice with more diversity.
Just curious how y'all even do it? would be so boring to mine for hours even though u get 10 mil every hour. What was the motivation? :D
You can't see what current map there is on kitpvp i think there should be a command like /map and it tells you what the current map is. Would be...