Separate names with a comma.
It says I'm using vpn or proxy but im not and I have deleted the vpns I used to have and I never had any proxy pm me on discord FireyGast#2566 and...
Hi there If I was owner I would just fix the anticheat get 1 more admin since Alorulz resigned after that I would make a new lobby for every 6...
Hi there I think this would be a great idea since I am immortal and I never use the rookie kit I use the donator kits so this would be really...
Hi there I really like this texture pack keep it up when im back home I'm probably going to download this texture pack if I can Thanks Have a...
Nice fights keep it up your good at pvp and uhc
Followed FireyGast FireyGast#2566 Thanks for this giveaway
Greetings young one
Hi there To be honest I think this is a very bad idea for alot of reasons 1. Some people just type servers then hack on them and get banned and if...
I thought you resigned lol
FireyGast FireyGast#2566 Raw salmon sushi Followed you Thanks for hosting such a generous giveaway Good luck to all
Hi there I have been playing prison since the first season and throughout the years I have learned different ways and better ways to make money...
Hi there I think this is a great idea and if you think out of the box you can plan how to attack the players like if they used a bow you should...
Hey there I think this is an amazing idea it would be cool to see other players stats I have always wanted this. However I agree with Nikki_'s...
It was obvious that you were going to get helper congrats hopefully it will be SrMod again
You deserve alot of credit for your hard work in the staff team I dont think anyone has realised
Rose's are red violets are blue kvng_steph is a god and he will always be
This thread will be locked now because of some reasons and I have picked the winner everyone
Good luck on getting helper hopefully you will get up to SrMod again
Hi there That's a bit annoying you can submit a ticket and if you have you must be patient it can take up to a week for a reply because they get...
Hi there This is a common problem but you just have to deal with it you can always report on the forums like KierenBoal said or report on the...