Separate names with a comma.
This will never happen, as ImConcerned said, people would just abuse this by coin flipping against their alts / friends and end up pumping new...
Congratulations!!! So far, what has been your favorite thing as a staff member?
Fastest way to gain credits for me is solo sw if I'm just by myself. If I can get a good teammate or two and enough people are playing CW, then... lit
+1 for this to happen. Its unfortunate that many people think that staff are people that just take pleasure in muting and banning people all day....
I wake up more tired
I agree that inappropriate capes should be under the same punishment as inappropriate names and skins. The only concern that I have is that if...
heya qt
As many people above me have pointed out, explosive arrows are not actually that great. I would much rather have my arrows deal knockback than...
u 2
hi qt
nooo what?
The axe is actually quite useful. In the beginning I didn't buy it because I did not want it to clutter up my inventory in the start of the game....