Separate names with a comma.
Idk if you guys remember but remember the time to get Into mini games you had to click the sign. That was sick
Ign: Notchapple2017 Discord: StrafingChaos_Jr#9358
done ign: Notchapple2017
Crazy isn’t up there. You literally have an up session with twlzz johny has quit mc a long time ago noign hacks, crunchyice doesn’t play. Ure just...
Poison not all of us are as young as you are, I’m basically implying for everyone else STFU
Cos ure a fucking random so stfu
Remember pistol some people are like trump, they talk about doing stuff but they never follow up with it :)
Because he’s in beta and everyone in beta is up there even tho they r trash
Ik ure a random
Definition of a random. You’re first offence was late 2018 what u on abt
So you’re season 1 on this account? And what was ure oldest ign
It’s fine for you cos u can go /v whenever there’s a hacker on you or if ure getting 5v1d
More like 8 years
Crazy I like how u add everyone in beta so they don’t kick u from the clan
Poison ure a random squeaker 10 year old shut up this convo is between the ogs
Poison potions have u seen how trash you are
U sure abt that? So Johny is playing, crunchy ice is? Jqckoo is
Alex, come on. All of the other plugins and features you have reworked or added were brilliant. However, you need to know who annoying it will be...
Such a stupid idea. This would be a good idea if there were no hackers. How could we have 3 gaps and 64 regs when there could literally be...