Separate names with a comma.
You have no credentials ******, you’re like 13 if you played since 2014 that means you started at like age 7 or something, even if you have played...
Is that why you play 24/7 and have the most kills per season?
Ign:StrafingChaos_Jr Discord: StrafingChaos_Jr#9358 My favourite thing about mcc is how cute 89p and Yourekindasus are 3>
I’m offended you didn’t number it and put me 1.
So buy a rank, or don’t complain simple.
Clearly he has enough to have the ability to spend that much. Your faction just argues with lies, instead of facts. Do us a favour and quit
Shit didn’t mean to make it twice
Just wondering what the minimum amount of time is to appeal an ip ban, and what would staff recommend when to appeal
There’s rarely a game without a hacker nowadays
Strafingchaos_jr#9358 Thanks for the gw!! Much appreciated
And Acce isn’t a thing anymore
Strafe#9358 Prison seems fun but hard and I feel like I can only get good by playing 10 hours a day so I don’t enjoy that, in which case I play...
Kinda just curious atm
Honestly, if mcc had put a minute a day on the anti cheat when they said they started it 5 years ago. The server would have 10k people online. But...
Love every single suggestion, honestly ever since season 4 this shit been long overdue
Ign: StrafingChaos_Sr Discord: notchapple#9358 159: Good luck with staff glad to see new names pop up
Happens to the best of us man. The community is becoming toxic and they don’t have a updated banning system. Mccentral are years behind on network...
You realise logging in once doesn’t mean you’re an og I was a rookie season 1 and I had plenty of p4. Clearly you joined when kit died around season 4
Exactly this fucking no life random poison potions or whatever his name is this month doesn’t even know how kit works he started like season 5...