Separate names with a comma.
great job man, i'm an og mcc player as this was the first server i played (first thing i did on mc when i first got an account) in 2013. i wasn't...
heyyy im in here awesome podcast bro keep it up i listened while playing sw :D
I think a lot of people missed the main point, that the rule Political Disputes should become Political Discussion and not Political Disputes. I...
What is this "podcast"??
first of all, i suggest just replying to your previous thread instead of creating another one. secondly, you can appeal on the website and include...
damn 6 months :o
I know this most likely won't happen, but there is a flaw in the disputes rule, or how staff judges this rule to deserve a mute. The biggest...
I'ma be the first to say it, MCC went down and so did like half of the internet. Also, someone hacked twitter a few days ago too so.. Let's go 2020!!!
I've seen this post so many times lol but yeah I agree apart from the anticheat. Jeremy has had YEARS to make the anticheat and he still hasn't...
:dislike: :sad:
I was staff before that discord existed so I guess it's easier to become staff because you learn a little bit of insight about the staff team when...
all of these are awesome memories, a blast of the past...
crazy bro I forgot about that redstone rank I thought it still existed tbh LOLL
yeah, I agree that's a cool idea but the thing is the spectate feature would have to support bungeecord which could be a bit trickier because you...
options>chat settings>opacity=0%
yep. the server anti-cheat is garbage but yeah uh you gotta read other posts about this anticheat before making one man. there was just one about...
Toxicity is something I don't like now either. I guess it's just how it is since the server is pretty old.
you better re-apply with me and chedda and no I don't know if I am going to re-apply yet
So I've been around for a while. I created my account on October 3rd in 2013 as a birthday present making me 9 years old at the time. (just for...