Separate names with a comma.
You can shift click, yes, in 1.8.9 If you use 1.12.1, or 1.16.x+, you can not easily shift click items, they rubber band, a lot. Its the main...
Yes. The Annoying Orange was around since I was a teenager; likewise with Fred. I do not enjoy either of them.
Part of prison is the 'fear' of getting scammed. Having a keep inventory perk would defeat that; no doubt angering the community. You can always...
Hey ThiccBooty, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. The config option is definitely currently turned off. We will turn it on, test it out...
I'd doubt we'd add the /staff command, and heres why: Hackers would simply login, type /staff, find what subservers are unstaffed and go on...
Not going to make a rule about threats to the president. If you are an American citizen, the FBI (who is no doubt already monitoring your data)...
I meawn, theres no technical reason why we couldn't - but I personally think we shouldn't. Simply for the fact that too often we are trying to...
When one is avaliable, we should all have it. Simple as that.
Not removing them. I've been through this many times with other various rewards; everything needs to have good and bad rewards, its all part of...
Hey FloppityFloppify, I may not be on the media team, but I'll go ahead and suggest that your application will 100% be denied. Not because of a...
The code in spigot directly caps anything Fortune 3 or more as Forune 3 when breaking leaves. This means even with Fortune 2,147,483,647, you'd...
Hey Abbs, The Apple Pickers have been balanced around Fortune 4, which is a drop rate of 2.5x better than breaking the leaves by hand or...
Hey Raqueese, This doesn't work too well, a lot of the time that people have accounts traced to them is when they use it on an IP, hop to another...
Good points; forwarded it on.
Hey Keres, I've removed your download link, and taken the time to download your mod, decompile it and analyze it before replying here. Your mod...
Hey Gleam, Its highly likely that you are using a VPN or Proxy. Please disable your VPN or Proxy to play. If you are using a VPS, don't. If you...
No. This is now the 4th time you've asked about chaging IP bans and or ban resetting. Stop asking. The above staff have covered the point...
We are not removing the word as a disrespect word. 99% of the time people use it is in a derogatory term. If you wish to use this word, you can...
Hey Raqueese, I can see almost no reason to make this word unlisted as a disrespectful word. If you wish to push the agenda that 'using the...
Welcome back, glad you could recover your account succesfully!