Separate names with a comma.
Sidthesquid51, this is nothing to do with staff caring or not. Our staff do a lovely job, going above and beyond in almost every circumstance to...
The server doesn't magically remove items from your enderchest. The only way you lost the items were: 1) Someone had acceses to your account and...
Minigame daily/weekly rotation NPC has been suggested before, many times. I even brought it up again to Alex just recently. It will be added when...
Hey 8ooties, You really have no idea what is happening behind the scenes; we consistently discuss things to improve the server - whether they get...
Hey FloppityFloppify, Below I've copy pasted my response from 2 months ago. Re-looking at your channel after these 2 months, its made it once...
Erm, that already exists. Since the last two seasons there has been upgradable pickaxes... Likewise, there is prestiging, which when done, gives...
yeah dont do that thanks
Netherite only exists in 1.16; 1.16 spigot can not currently support the number of players we do without the servers running like trash. As such,...
Your 'apology' is completely ridiculous. The way you are going about things in no way shape or form shows that you've changed. You can appeal in...
You'll get the same response everyone always gives, and always will give. Resets roughly happen every 6-9 months. Nobody, other than the owners,...
Hey CryzpLorax, Your screenshots prove nothing. Nikki_'s response in the screenshot has no bearing on anything, nor is it punishable in any way...
The N word ending in "a" is a filter bypass. The N word ending in a hard 'r' is a slur. Its how its been for a long time; we take the latter as...
Literally as per what Lxvely said. As we add more filters, more bypasses are created, so it becomes a cat and mouse game of following up all...
Explosive arrows are actually somewhat balanced, in my oppinion. Explosive arrows do not deal knockback damage, as such if someone bridges with...
Hey Walk2me4u, The do check YouTube applications, however I'm going to gues you're still on pending because they're still reviewing it. It's...
Hey CryzpLorax, This is defintiely something I'd love to see implemented; however gift cards are a bit harder as they can vary in value. If we...
Personally, I'd love to reduce the 'random' factor of a lot of these tools, including token farming on Skyblocks. I've suggested in the past that...
Can't say I'm a huge fan of the rind, but yeah Brie sure is tasty. If you haven't had Triple Brie, you're missing out! Camembert is very similar...
Seems like a potentially good thread with a lot of silly responses... How about I contribute to this with an actual response. My favorite cheese...
Token detector works as intended. At level 0, you get a token 1 in 1,000 blocks. At level 10, you get a token 1 in 750 blocks. This obviously...