Separate names with a comma.
You can still play on a multiplayer server and play like its localhost. What difference is there playing on your own local world, or playing on a...
The problem with adding hats/capes/wings, etc, is that those kinds of cosmetics use clients to support them. EG: Badlion injects their own custom...
Building upon this - all servers that breach Mojangs EULA get blacklisted from any support or advertisement from Mojang. Almost every server is on...
Hey SniffableSugar, Seasonal 'battle pass' systems only really work on games/servers that have just one thing. When we have multiple subservers...
Hey Moosewala, Depends what kind of experience you are after. If you are after a 1.8.9 Skyblock experience with other people, MCC is the place to...
Oh... Who is going to say 'yommy' in #food now.
For those suggesting pizza, question is about a singular food. Pizza as a generic, is a category. But I digress... For me, if I could only have...
Deleting your island comes up with a confirmation for if you wish to delete your island, so you had an opportunity to click no. When islands are...
As per above. Reporting guidelines: Report link:...
Contact me on Discord: KierenBoal#6595.
This really isn't something that's needed. Whilst yes, we could implement an encryption & decryption (it'd be quite trivial, really), its...
Hey VICTORITO777, To more specifically answer your question - we do not use datapacks, as those are for later versions of Minecraft, we use...
We have already said a million times as to why we aren't unbanning all. No. Thread locked.
You get a small amount of credits with ranks. So purchasing a rank for their account would be one way to 'fast tracking' them to getting kits in...
I am functional, thank you.
XP boost increases the rate at which you gain XP. Meaning if you boost your XP to MAX early on, you are going to gain XP rapidly, and thus have...
Because "Hur hur funny response".
I mean, I'd personally have no issues with a daily cats picture thread. I'd happily contribute with photos of my own Cat. However, if you were to...
There is a difference between being polite and being blunt. There is nothing wrong with my statement regarding this players suggestion, nor is...