Separate names with a comma.
dinosaurus come back ta
The filter remains in place to avoid people putting caps-lock on and spamming everything they say in caps. I see no problem with the filter...
Hey TeddyPrice, Whilst I wouldn't call it "p2w" (as you're not paying to win), it's definitely a case of "pay to play" where you need to pay to...
Hey nxztu, Our ban system is fair and accurate. You were IP banned for cheating twice in UHC, followed by logging in on yet another account. 25...
I am going to guess you've written this in another language and translated it to English with Google translate, as much of this makes no sense....
It might also be something to do with the Mojang blacklist; so that might be part of it. In the meantime, as above, you can choose your version...
Kieren has seen. Great thread. Will take it all into consideration when we eventually start on the next season. We actually prefer things to be...
As above. Blaze don't take contact damage from water, however, they do suffocate after their first tick of drowning damage, so you can either...
Hey xpuma1x, You raise valid points. In the older PvP maps, it was more spread out, so you literally couldn't camp on top of /warp PVP and pearl...
There is (now) no technical reason why we disallow renaming the items. Whilst historically items checked their names - e.g., harvest hoes would...
It's not. MCC is very much active and literally has just started a big push for the EULA-friendly minigame revamp.
Just because you 'want to', doesn't mean you should. Special characters, for the most part, are disabled for several reasons: -Easy to use for...
Hey Myko, The 75% was a random number. Naturally, it'd be a configuration if it was to ever be implemented. Do note, that whilst people use sell...
A better suggestion to reduce the demand for sell wands, but keep them valuable, is to make them have unlimited uses, but the trade-off of only...
Not sure why some people are so angry about resetting certain things - the sub servers all reset, and you're all fine with that; stands to reason...
Agreed with Cxrtr. Hastey boys allow faster mining - it doesn't (and shouldn't) increase tool duration. With or without efficiency on a pickaxe,...
No. Firstly - you get enough perks for your rank. Idk why everyone keeps requesting to retrofit more and more stuff into ranks, especially when...
My AFK Cleanup plugin doesn't work like that, unfortunately; it has pre-configured 'zones' with output locations. Whilst it could be modified to...
I listen to repetitive electronic music and play a 20-year-old medieval point-and-click adventure game; whilst writing lines of code in between...