Separate names with a comma.
I enjoy new content as it changes the gameplay and there have been some QOL changes. My one suggestion is probably changing the grinding meta,...
We absolutely need this. Maybe implement it with this season's addition of /is inspect? It would be very useful for casinos and other uses where...
I heard cactus farms were nerfed because they caused lag, discouraging players to build them. There is an item called a Harvest Hoe (extremely...
/fix cooldown would affect farming, which is skyblock's most important aspect. If you are "dominating everyone except all the noob immortals...
Vote keys are pretty underwhelming, you hope to get a harvest hoe but that's an extremely small chance. It does need some sort of revamping. XP...
It is absolutely easier to have everything at your disposal, but what I like about MCC is the possibility of still making yourself known and grind...
To be honest, I used to be a coal rank (not much better than a rookie in kitpvp), and I would loot bodies. It took 5 mins to get a set of p4....
IGN: RyanC64_uwu Discord: Chung Money#3792 Pickup Line: Is it Fall season? Because I just wanna fall for you
Hi, I believe some shop prices should be reduced but still overpriced because AH is the secondary market on KitPvP. If you were to make the shop...
Nice video! Commentary and lowering the music volume just a tiny bit would be great additions! -RyanC64
+1 from me, probably a diamond rank perk? Diamond rank is underwhelming in perks right now.
Ign: RyanC64 Discord:Chung Money#3792 Number: 75 Congrats on helper and thanks for the ancient key :3
Hi! I just lost my harvest hoe to the void, and they cost a fortune to replace. Is it possible to prevent this from happening? I've seen this...
IGN (In-game name): RyanC64 Discord (Including #): Chung Money#3792 Favourite Animal: Turtles :D Random Number (From 1-250): 14 Pocketpal you...
You and anyone can buy my hps on /ah for $2 each :3
I completed an IRL deal! Thanks to MicroSquid for being the middleman! This thread can be locked whenever.
I don't remember much, but I think I played a lot of minigames and maybe CTF when I just got Minecraft (late October 2014 according to my Mojang...
Not all rookies are bhoppers/hackers, the majority of rookies are just trying to have fun. To solve the issue of "bhopping" and hacking overall,...
Hi! I know people will tell me to advertise in-game and on discord, which I did and I just want to cover all the bases. [Have to offer] - 12.5k...
Hi! Rookies have it really hard.... they should at least give them unenchanted iron armour and boost the lower tier donators to various enchanted...