Separate names with a comma.
Hey! My position is mixed on this topic. So, I am going to list below my reasoning both "for" and "not" For: -The problem with cheaters hasn't...
Amazing idea to combat the great toilet-paper shortage of 2020. Stay well! Cessie2u
I have cosmetic keys built up over the years, but truthfully I have never once used any of them. But I can see this is a problem for those who...
Hey! While my goal is to apply for staff at some point, that isn't my reason for reporting players. Rather, I feel my reward is being able to...
Either one you'll be great. Having this skill and understanding can help in economics, don't get me wrong! I went to school for business...
I just have to say that your work is awesome! Definitely attempt pursuing graphic design as a career if not already! Stay well! Cessie2u
Modern day Nickelback
Hi Mary___! Like others are saying, quicktime isn't the best for recording videos. I recommend OBS. You can download it by clicking the...
I'm more of a Blink 182 and Three Days Grace kinda guy! I also like Hick Hop (Country Rap). I went through my emo faze of life a few years...
Great ideas! I think that these would greatly add to the experience. +1 Stay well!
Hi all! Just writing to see whether you like the new or old webpage better. Personally, Enjin>Xenforo. But this is definitely an interesting debate.
Hey! This is going to be a -1 for me. There is a saying that the "solution can not be worse than the problem at hand." Your recommendation (from...
Dude, this isn't the place for this. If you have a problem with those staff members, please post it in the reports section. This post is very...
Hey! Often, people are quick to blame the staff for the number of cheaters and issues wrong with the server. It's often a thankless job, but...
I cannot respond to this with an inch of intelligence. The only sentence my brain can formulate is "Best of luck" I guess. Stay well.
Thanks for the love though bud!
#Imissenjin lol
Hi! What you need to remember is that in turn, the youtuber rank gives back to the community. By giving people with over 5,000 subscribers a...
The drinking game got my dying xD
Hi! If you have ever applied for staff or filed a report before Xenforo, you can log into your enjin account and get a general idea. May not be...