Separate names with a comma.
yall rockin with ratchet and clank?
You can appeal here if you believe your punishment is unfair.
Yeah, bows need nerf. I'm sure it's coming in the upcoming minigame revamp that apparently is coming "soon"
i hope you get your pickles
I actually think it's good that Donation kits have become irrelevant. Makes it less pay to win, which is what everybody has been asking for.
stop banning him
whats the current longest one?
dr pepper is my favorite
i mean i like pepsi, but if im going for like a leter bottle, im gonna go with coke. pepsi gets kinda old fast.
yeah but ive spent too much money to just switch servers
Nobody cares
its orbit everyone knows they're filled with shit lol
i play factions and im not flexing about splash pots lol
Look at Mineplex. They made a bedrock server and they only went downhill. They went from one of the most popular MC servers ever, to the most dead...
i played prison for a sec and everyone there is bad at pvp. gapple pvp aint a flex
what would that even show? somebody mining with a level 20 pick? lol
ooooooo gl on this one
Raiding Origin after being terrorized by them for yearss
Unless somebody has access to your account they shouldn't have access to your ender chest. I don't know what you're trying to do here, but ok?...