Separate names with a comma.
What pack is that? I think I have it but I have so many and I can't remember the name.
If someone tries deathtrapping you, /ec is probably one of the worst commands to use. You could do /back or /p h or /spawn instead. As far as...
only a select few people would want a keep inventory perk and it would just piss off everyone else who has absolutely no use for it. -1 from me
You couldn't "abuse" afking with this system because there would be people getting the same xp from their kit but then also grinding out their...
Maybe instead of ranked pickaxes, it could just be upgradable ones and whenever you claimed your ranked kits, the pickaxe's level increased by a...
without the perk you actually get 0 homes
How they handled getting rid of the perk was wrong. Since it was a while ago, I do not remember if they added another perk at the same time they...
If you guys know that people want a lot of things to go back to the way they were, maybe you should bring back beaconing, /back in pvp, the...
Agreed. This would also reduce lag as mines are not resetting as much.
How long is this poll gonna be up before you guys decide whether or not to bring it back?
IGN: Raqueese Discord: Undoxable Retard#8057
Actually, the way servers work is the stuff that only 1% of the server likes and the other 99% hates gets removed because it hurts more people...
Sorry, but I have to disagree. For the small benefit of keeping them, there is huge downside because 9/10 people have no use for them. If you want...
Ngl I still think the fortune should be bumped up another level. It would give people a reason to actually use the apple pickers rather than keep...
Hmm, I am not really sure to be honest. Also, there is nothing wrong with your laptop, it is probably better than what I use lol.
Bring back sethomes in pvp. Make it so backpacks can be emptied. Start punishing people for spamming when boosters end. It creates lag and is so...
bring it back. people didn't buy the perk so they could set homes in the plot world. Also, I know you guys won't do it but bring back /rename.
First of all, those specs really are nothing impressive. (not trying to make you feel bad but just understand you won't be getting insane fps)....
NZXT Hue is great because it's high quality and easy to use/control. If you're on a tighter budget, there are definitely cheaper options.
Seems like almost everyone is using an i7 or Ryzen7... do you guys all do other stuff that is more cpu intensive?