Separate names with a comma.
Btw you spelled *immortal* wrong lol
Teaming In Survival Games IS Allowed
Hey Everyone! I own a shop on Prison 1 (/p h rainbows). I see these people with timed message macros for advertising their plot, and I was...
Airpxds LiquidAirpods#0626
Airpxds W LiquidAirpods#0626
IGN: Airpxds Rank: U Immortal
IGN: Airpxds Disc: LiquidAirpods#0626 Subserver: Prison 1 Number: 49
So I have a question. When there is a booster do the multipliers get added Or multiplied (if you know what I mean.) For Example. If I were...
Heyo :)
No one ever messages me. I’m lonely :(.
Hello! That is correct. There is not a build team anymore. But, you can submit maps on the Map Submit Forum Page.
Hello! This is a really good suggestion! The only thing I disagree with is the Minecraft Questions because for Example: Which 2 people created...
Hello! Posts like this should not be on General Discussion. And should be posted on that subserver’s forum page. This is the link to the Factions...
Hello! To see prestige rankup prices click here: And also if it helps every...
Hello! When I Am Afking in my afk pool overnight At my plot, I wake up and find myself in the server lobby. But during the day when I am at...
Thanks For The Feedback! I made both those changes.
Here is the link to my Youtube Channel Intro: [MEDIA] Tell me what you think!
Wait so -1-1-1-1–1-1—1-1 equals a plus 1 right?
Hey! So here are my thoughts. I agree they shouldn’t completely reset our hard worked on plots. But instead reset the spawners. I would honestly...
Hey! My appeal was accepted after the mute ended. And it says on my mute log that it expired and wasn’t appealed. Does this matter?