Separate names with a comma.
ty homie
Pregunta resuelta, gracias Martin :D @Denis001265 Si tienes otra pregunta me puedes mandar un mensaje aquĆ o en discord. - Question answered /...
@notaspleen we got the same grade jajajaja
imagine being a nerd at minecraft
ign: Haylos discord: alexuh#8353 fav subserver: skyblock bc it was my first one good luck everyone :)
appeal do my
You can talk to the staff member through discord, Im guessing you already appealed, so please talk to the staff member as yesterday we had issues...
Working out is probably what gets me to relieve the most stress, although, music is a very good way for me to relax as well, however, I also play...
There is an issue with Mojang currently, no one is receiving stuff and the game is very glitchy, currently keys are not working. We really cant do...
Could you possibly record whats going on? Just type to anyone in the server /msg
Hey, this kind of stuff is personal, if he wishes to tell you why he was demoted thats on him, for now this thread might cause drama so I will...
i mean its a way of people not knowing when my actual bday is so win/win
I like where this is headed, however I would prefer it as it being something any player can do, personally I would like for it to have an in game...
Hello there, I wouldnt disagree on this small change to be added, but it feels kind of unnecessary. About the /report thing, as it has been...
its me @mxbel can confirm
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