Separate names with a comma.
Oh ur 15 also when’s ur b day
I do not use any of these but if I had to pick one it would be badlion client because I have used it before.
Feb 3 @JustBeChill
New ign Bob16
I use the Razor Deathadder Elite it just feels normal for me.
My fav Nickelodeon shows has to be The Fairly OddParents and SpongeBob.
I started last week. Sad Times
Ign: Whiffet Discord: Bobby #6175
Ign: Whiffet Disc: Bobby #6175 Food: Chips Subserver: Skyblock 1
Ign: Whiffet Disc: Bobby #6175
I'm glad you admitted and I wish you the best and next time you come on the server I hope you stand to Ur word and not hack. I forgive you.
Josue what's up dude.
Plain this is very nice i'm glad u came to a decision for not using hackers anymore. I forgive you
You just got to pass them on the leaderboards they probably can't remove them off the leaderboards because one of them could be false banned and...
1. gif 2. car-mel 3. Mom 4. En-va-lope 5. I-ren 6. Nev-AH-duh 7. R-OOF 8. Seer-up 9. Ant 10. Pee-kahn
If i had a superpower what would it be. I'm going to agree with Bryson i would want to read other peoples mind.
I have not played sub servers in years but if i had to pick one it has to be skyblock.
My dream job is being a chiropractor or working on a cruise ship.
Hey My favorite planet has to be earth
I believe aliens exist because of how large space is it keeps growing every day.