Separate names with a comma.
great idea however as people have already said, you can find the list of all previous staff of the month on the mcc wiki as listed by SannsCraft....
it's a good idea but arenapvp isn't the most popular subserver and adding some sort of payment for winning would just be a waste. however, the...
as people have already said, when the actual event itself is announced, you'll know all the deals and requirements. until then, i would recommend...
it really doesn't feel like it's been 8months
we currently have over 40 staff, about 8 being EU. we try our hardest to help all around the server and that's our job however we can't be in...
thread locked.
this is boring
cant you do just imgur links or gyazo links? lol
thread locked as Retop is no longer an mcc youtuber.
this is a cool idea. although i don't fully understand the concept of this idea, if you were to build a 'mini-course' i'd definitely like to see...
thread moved to server suggestions.
moved to server suggestions.
it is the first time i've heard of something like too and it seems odd that it'd happen because normal players don't have access to force tp other...
giveaway ended. thread locked.
thread locked as the question was answered. if you need any further help or certain instructions were unclear, feel free to pm me on discord and i...
hey :)