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[Thread Locked to Prevent Further Useless/Argumentative Posts]
Olá! Eu não vejo como isso ajudaria o problema que a gente vem tendo com hackers, vendo como a maior parte deles usam vpns e contas alternativas...
Thanks! :)
Hey there GmoneySkywalker! I took a look at your profile and it seems like a minecraft account is already linked to your profile. The MC account...
Hey there! You can check a players ban history here, just type a username into the search box and it will show all their past punishments
Hey there 4yoghurty! Event keys don't carry over to next seasons, the only ones that do carry over are Ancient, vote and mythical keys.
Hey there Ankh! I totally agree with this, the amount of times that I've lost kills or got killed because of this is immesurable and I would...
Hey there SpiritCombat12! Here's my opinions on your suggestions :): - Mob hoppers I personally don't experience that much lag on the server,...
Hey there! I 100% agree with your idea, I play SSW with my friends all the time and the amount of times they get pissed at me cuz I pushed them in...
Ola! O seu rank deve chegar dentro de 30 minutos após a confirmação da compra, e é possivel que você tenha que sair e entrar do servidor novamente...
Hey there davedog124! You can make a forum signature here, you can either write them using the text editor or by using BB code, once you have...
Congrats!! c:
Hey there LimitedProcess! If you believe that you were falsely punished you can appeal here, but in order for your punishment to be completely...
Hey there Holy! Yes, lunar client is allowed here :), if you ever need to check if a client/mod is allowed on the server you can go on this page...
Hey there iBlurrE! Even though this idea looks good on paper there is a reason why this didn't work and most likely won't work if it was brought...