Separate names with a comma.
Bolling#1919 message me on discord if you want to :joy::joy:
I mean if you or someone else wants to report them:joy::joy::joy::joy:
Howdy, so I had an idea about starting a mccentral youtube channel where I upload promotions news about mccentral on factions/skyblock/prison ect,...
i'd also suggest holding down left click and unplugging your mouse, this is an auto mining method and deleting your auto clicker for good
Howdy, so using an auto clicker to farm mobs is a severity 3 ban, but from what I can tell from the rules it says nothing about using an...
lapis gang ;(
howdy, i agree with you that it should be implemented but I think there should definitely be a way to disable it, along with that context I have...
Congratulations! that must have taken a lot of time
Just Gaming
Fair enough, i believe you i just haven't seen it a whole lot myself Bye bye
Hello, I highly doubt they memorize staff as for they log on every day on a new account so I don't think they would really care, you might just...
Hello pingu, My name is Bolling I just wanted to welcome you back to the server after your long break, I recognize your name from mccentral but I...
Yeah, when people ask a question people answer so quickly and them are always helpful and like Pinkapie said it's so easy to make friends I have...
Hello. So basically how creates work is you are able to buy 3 creates each worth different amount, they each have a chance of different things...
Hello! I do think they should add an EU server address to help with this maybe adding, and I think more staff members would also...
Name Bolling Discord: Bolling#1919 Good luck to everyone! :) and thanks for hosting this giveaway it's really nice for people that don't usually...
IGN: Bolling DISCORD:Bolling#1919 Factions Random Number 5 Really kind thing to do for the community
Hello there, This might be helpful if you are on windows, if you press Windows+G and then press record last 30 seconds it is very handy for...
Personally I am gonna have to disagree with your suggestion because I believe if the chat report time was taken away players could set up bots and...
It is okay we were all betrayed.