Separate names with a comma.
Hey there, Unfortunately there is no compensation for items lost due to hackers. Sorry to hear you had this experience and lost things :(
Hey there, This is a pretty good idea in my opinion. It's not too difficult to worry about tokens getting in my inventory while mining, however...
Hey there, I think this is a good idea. I don't play kit all too often but when I do, I recall being annoyed by having to drop the default kit...
This is one of the best responses I've seen to adding skyblock payouts, and I completely agree. Furthermore, the owners have said that payouts...
Hey there, You can go to /warp overworld and look for cows/horses to kill for for leather. You could also check /ah to see if any players are...
Hey there, These are only the base rules for the YouTube rank. On the forum post with the requirements, it says that each channel is evaluated...
bruno for senior
To add on to this, there are usually sales around holidays. If I remember correctly, there was an easter sale last year, so that would be the...
Hey there, While this might be a good idea for smaller servers, I don't think this would fit well on MCC, nor do I think the owners would like...
It is the official MCC texture pack and the old thread was made by staff and pinned on the Enjin forums as well as the pack showcase is on the...
Hey there, Personally I think this minigame would be really cool, however I don't know if this would suite MCC the best. I doubt the owners would...
might be a lil late but gratz on apps and review team : )
Do both in one match. I would recommend Rise Of Orient or Avarcia for this one
Hey there, I believe you got some of these things confused. Staff have up to 3 days to respond to appeals, while it's a different amount of time...
Hey there, The rank can take up to 15 minutes for it to show up in-game. If it exceeds that, double check that you bought it to the right...
Hey there, I don’t play a lot of kit but from what I remember it isn’t bannable. I’m not 100% sure so you might have to wait for a second opinion.
Hey there, Unfortunately MCC does not transfer ranks between accounts, so you’d have to buy the rank on your new account if you wish to have it...
IGN: Phraze Discord: nickly#0001 Subserver: Skyblock Number: 72 Thank you for the giveaway and happy early birthday
Hey there, MCC has been hosted in Arizona (Western US) for a while so if your ping has been changing, it's something on your end not the server....
I'm aware of that. I didn't necessarily consider that a leaderboard since it's titled "Notable members" and only has most likes/posts, and it's...