Separate names with a comma.
Done. IGN: forgranted
Hey....not a bad idea, but there are a few things I have to say. 1. There isn't a command like this that is similar in-game, but on discord, you...
Congrats man
IGN: forgranted Number: 25 Way I feel like I helped: I have reported and gotten many hackers banned. Discord is in signature
Sorry for killing u in UHC today :p
I know, all I was saying is he is the only youtuber I see(who isn't staff) who produces MC Central Content actively and consistently. He always...
I've seen other posts like this, but this one contains the best explanation for why it should be lowered. I've only seen one actual youtuber who...
+1 This is a great idea. Yes, I do see the issue with one free thread bump, but the idea I have is: Lock the thread to the point where only the...
Hey there. I understand how annoying hackers are in games and that it almost impossible to beat them. However, if you want hackers to stop...
This is hilarious-I can't even. Congrats to Abar and Janis Joplin!
I also agree that SG needs some things done to change it and make it more popular(its already pretty popular, not neglecting that fact) however, I...
I'm with hotmoms above. I'm in MST and typically, from abut 1-5(PM) is when I see the most on, but I also tend to see some throughout like 6-12...
Hey there Lexxonist. I agree with many of these ideas. 1. I also do believe that the ending should be changed and it shouldn't just be first to...
why not so good?
Solid video again! I love watching you, and keep making fun of iluvhotmoms :) Please keep creating content and I hope you get to 200 very soon :)
Hey there! I think this is a great idea! Personally, it is really annoying having to grab a new sell wand all the time. I like your idea a lot and...
This is pretty crazy. It is honestly incredible that happened and it's really neat. Awesome video besides that, the montage is really good.
Not even going to lie, I keep reading your skyblock mega thread because I love it. Also you need to be promoted to admin and I don't know why you...
Hey @ShePrecious! I am totally for this. I'm at the point where I don't open cosmetic keys because they take so long to open. I also think adding...