Separate names with a comma.
short answer; not really long answer; theres only a couple staff who know what they're doing excluding the ones who play 18 hours a day and think...
when the
Staff are the only ones with colorful usernames to stick out of community players, and there’s a reason for that. I feel like having a command...
I asked
Happy anniversary of birth date I expect you to take me out for a drink now
I don't see how that's an option to get rid of targetting naked players/undergeared players. As you mentioned the point of having a pvp arena is...
I feel like having this just like other big servers have (hypixel, lunar etc) - and for that I mean having an item on your hotbar that upon...
i've got my money on him making a 3rd version lol
shes fat now
just lmao'd also if a word begins with a vowel you're supposed to use "an" not "a"
attention seeker
Give me mod back zz
I’ve been playing prison for a long while and I can tell just by reading some of these suggestions that they would mess the server up even more....
just dont eat cereal lawl cold leftover mcnuggets from last night's dinner best might as well dip 'em in barbecue sauce and have some choccy milk...
I have mixed opinions about your thread, while some of those ideas sound great and would indeed help players a lot, some also sound helpless and I...
Mfw guys high af on ketamine lmao
Lunar cause it’s got better hit reg and animations and mods and cosmetics and everything else than any other client, and since I tend to main more...
I watch my little pony everyday
Jump off the highest building in tilted towers