Separate names with a comma.
Finals week doesn't stop the grind (I'm probably making a horrible decision but MINECRAFT (and terraria (and league (and osu!)))
Heynya! If you have too many credits that really just means you've played a lot. I'm level 170 and I haven't even finished my abilities yet so I...
FarisNyanNyan Makise Kurisu#5439 I can't give a reason to win because this is probably randomized but I'd use it for Skyblock or to upgrade my alt...
Hya! Meow! Reducing the player requirements sounds like a great idea! It does take awhile to start a game when you have to wait for the whole...
Hellonya! Ah, yes! I see where you're coming from with the solo player perspective, because I was going solo for a bit last season too! I feel...
Konnichinya! I think adding a myth key to Immortal is overkill. Myth keys have amazing items in them. A chunk loader in skyblock is about 5...
Heynya! They will help if you don't move your mouse! Just hold left click and sprint forward while alternating A and D.
Heynya! I think they have this arrow nerf to stop people from autoclicking the skeletons and make tons of money. You can't really autoclick...
Heynya! Wow! This sounds like an awesome idea! I always lose my blocks when I build over void and have to basically skydive for the block back....
Konnichinya! I love to play these modes: 1. Skyblock 2. Skywars I play other ones too but these two are my main ones lol. Cyanya!
Greetingsnya! Although the community has been slightly toxic toward staff lately, my favorite thing about Skyblock is the grind. It's so...
Hellonya! Ties are resolved randomly I believe. Byebyenya!
Ohayogozaimasu! I don't think we particularly need /anvil. Like you said we already have warp anvil and having the command wouldn't make that...
Ohayo! Explosive picks not working in warp cobble are probably to stop people from getting alts to hog all the stations. Explosive picks are used...
Ima Wo Kakeru Shoujo - Kano Kind of a fire song
Hellonya! Probably my favorite part of MCC is the skyblock subserver! I don't know why but farming and building is too satisfying! Byebyenya!
man http you're all grown up happy days