Separate names with a comma.
sleep is for the weak or sleeping for a week
Please send me some in mail
Hi there! I hate to disappoint by telling, that also my fav color is blue. However, not regular blue, but blue like tropical sea <3 However in...
This is a tough one, since what I drink changes for me regularly. Currently I'm in love with green tea, and can't find myself to even touch...
Hi there! This definitely seems like a good idea, it would be way more clear and be helpful for both the player and the staff member. Definitely...
Welcome to the server <3 I also joined back almost an year ago, for nostalgia and now I'm completely stuck here :D hopefully you enjoy your time...
Hi Bri! I totally feel you on this, I've always had skyblock as my main subserver, and currently I'm trying to explore other subservers too....
I cannot express my love enough for pizza in words. (Honestly I say this of every food don't mind me) My ultimate fav pizza will forever be just...
Aye, now I have perfect chance to show my endless love again for the one and only, Grease <3 This is the movie, that I watch several times in a...
From these internationally known sodas the best one for sure is Coke. But! Nothing beats "Muumi" soda from Finland <3
I want a pet penguin
Honestly, I think this is all about preferences. From my point of view, the more the merrier. I would get pretty bored quickly of playing just on...
Oh my god, like it's always your mom's or grandma's recipe with mashed potatoes, that just hits every time. It's made perfectly when it just melts...
I... need to know what this is, and taste it... <3_<3 Hear me out, so there is wine tastings. What about potato tastings? Like all different kind...
Did someone say pizza? I stan for any discussion on the food topics, so obviously can't skip this one! The one and only pizza, that I truly...
This is very important topic for me and I need to know. What is your favourite form of food made out of potatoes? French fries, chips etc. Mine...
any type of food made out of potatoes are delicious. change my mind.
Ign - jemelina Discord - Jeme#0001 My enderpearl landed here... so wassup *vink*
Hi! I started playing the server when I was very young, and now in my twenties when I bought PC again I only wanted to return playing MC because...
I have really good PC, ig the problem was just in GeForce :D I solved the problem with not filming in fullscreen until I figure out OBS c: Lot of...