Separate names with a comma.
If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to create another thread or PM me on Discord and I'll gladly help you. Question Answered | Thread...
wooo congrats brandoo!!! xx
ILY SOFII :(( <3
oi meu parsero eu te amo muito ok
Hello! Alex and Vislo have got a lot to deal with on the server, so that's why they receive all information and urgent reports from Admins or...
IGN: Mauricioh Discord: Mauricioh#0001 Thank you!!
Hello! As stated by OriAlfi above, the Staff Team doesn't know when a sub-server is going to reset, we know as much as the community does. When...
happy birthdayy! ❤️
Please make a Forum Report, as TeddyOreo said, and it will be dealt with accordingly! Make sure to create another thread if you have any other...
I love u both sm ugh
Hello! If you're sure you didn't get any accounts banned yourself, you can appeal the punishment and KierenBoal will make sure to give you all the...
Hello! I'll be locking this thread. Next time make sure to fill out a Bug Report if you'd like! Link:
lookin cute
chile, lemme just look the other way rq
hi cutie x
Hello! There isn't any problems with playing with it on MCC as it doesn't really give you advantages over others, therefore it'd be allowed, as...