Separate names with a comma.
I saw, but they didn’t say anything about adding an improved anticheat or new mini games/maps. Instead we are getting a “guild system revamp”
IGN: YouGetMeSoHigh Discord: YouGetMeSoHigh#4191 I would be pretty excited about gamepass because it includes Xbox live gold, which I could use...
imagine calling your loyal playerbase clowns just because you disagree with their opinion :flushed:
Pipe down random
no one asked
I aPoLoGiZe tO hEaR tHaT yOu’Ve bEeN mUtEd. LuCkIlY, yOu CaN aPpEaL HeRe fOR thE aMaZinG sTaFf TeAM tO lOok OvER iT:...
wb :)
Go play another server then <3
You clearly don’t know the skywars community...
Ah yes, keep ignoring mini games and updating sub servers, big +1 from me!
YOOOOOOOOOOOOO actually the best mcc staff right here, dude literally gets along with everyone, gg <3
Best Morgan Freeman this server has ever seen :(
You know he’s right bc he has a 0.50 kdr
late but congratulations on staff promo :)) maybe you can help emma get unbanned next time she xrays in uhc
I will re-iterate my point here: If you are unhappy with the opinions being posted on this thread, feel free not to comment or view it Have a...
nah it just means they only care abt money and don’t give a shit abt minigames
gg fucker
ur gay
Actually, party chat has the same rules as /msgf, meaning that only severity 3 offenses are punishable :flushed: