Separate names with a comma.
clearly not
maybe you should go to a dictionary to learn some basic grammar :)
pipe down you’re like 12 and you act like a retarded person most of the time
i ThInK tHaT aLl StAfF aRe GrEaT aNd We ShOuLd ReSpEcT tHeIr HaRd WoRk AnD dEdIcAtIoN tO tHe SeRvER! iF yOu HaVe A pRoBleM wItH a SpEcIfIc sTaFf...
mcc had solar frost and demon’s breeze, they need to bring them back :(
can’t believe you will finally be turning 12!
oop now i feel bad mb
didn’t ask but ok
The original author of the post is talking specifically about Kitpvp, which is separate from minigames. The server already has an anti cheat,...
wdym, it was a month and a half ago, obviously he’s changed !! I think you would be a fantastic staff member, and you should absolutely go for...
dw abt it
shut up random, you can talk when you’re higher level
his last video blew up too
upload mf it’s been 2 months
oh my god it’s not fucking rocket science, if you keep getting dogged on by the same cheaters just remember their usernames and avoid lobbies with...
If you feel that you are being targeted or killed repeatedly by a hacker, memorize their username and take care not to join another lobby with...
free my boy flarinbeast, he ain’t done nothing wrong
woke up and chose violence