Separate names with a comma.
IGN: YouGetMeSoHigh Discord: YouGetMeSoHigh#4191 ty <3
Hey I tried to respond to your message but I got an error message saying that my comment was longer than 420 characters; but I'd love to text on...
uhh, not true, as @Horace_Altman said this is totally incorrect, don't just go making up random facts to try to win an argument on forums
sounds like a you problem
I didn't want to risk legal action
Gonna miss you being on the staff team buddy, I haven't talked to you too much but whenever I have you've been super chill
be light not dark?!?!!?!?!?!
how to report cheater?!?!?!?!!?!?!
Duh, yes (racism = not good)
heey sorry for seeing this so late but always nice talking to you on discord and in-game <33
hEy GuYs, yOu ShOulD rEalLy NoT bE cOmPlaInInG aBouT chEatErS oN tHe SeRvEr! tHe AmaZinG sTaFf TeAm iS dOiNg EveRyThiNg ThEy CaN tO hElP oUt ThE...
Uhhh... you can report hackers to the staff members since they are actually insane at taking care of all of the hackers on the server!!! They are...
IGN: YouGetMeSoHigh Discord: YouGetMeSoHigh#4191 tyy <3
nah bro, if you do it in /msgf you won't get muted for it because only severity 3 offenses are mutable in /msgf, party chat, guild chat, etc. so...
fajoszz best closet cheater <3
first day of realms I think