Separate names with a comma.
Please help me out and take a look at my newest YouTube video :)
Hi there! I uploaded a new video on my YouTube Channel so checking it out would be great :) I know it may not be the best thing to advertise but...
Hi Avactus! I'm assuming you play factions because that is the only subserver that staff can't tp to players while in faction territory. This was...
I searched Pistol to see if I had any appeals and found this
Hey! This used to be a feature on the forums but was taken out. I'm pretty sure they took it out because it wasn't used much and was taking space...
Hi there! I see what you mean and I think this could be great for minigames "when the revamp happens" but I also see why it is kind of pointless....
Hi there! I recently uploaded a video on MCC and was wondering for opinions on it. [MEDIA] Have a great day!
Good luck legend <3
Check out my newest YouTube video I published!
11th July 2020 Helpers @ShesMyPrecious @YoureKindaSus @creeper7777777 Moderators @Bolling @DrBrando @kuieren @6hb @Nikki_ @Elecctricc
I ain't leaving ahaha, it was just a good quote I saw and wanted to share
The time to take a break is to short. Let your breaks be a dream of success
You're such a legend in disguise I'll never forget the first time you got helper and I helped you out and you were so kind to me and everyone else...
Thread locked to avoid future thread bumping, Locked.
Hey there! GG on helper :) It feels great after lots of hard work. IGN: PistolPet Discord: Pistol#8328 Random Number: 3 Thank you for hosting and...
Good video. I hope you are doing well <33 Good luck bro
Hi there! The main issue I see with this is the lack of communication with people who don't follow discord or forums. If you are a "casual" who...
Congrats to @Scotian for SOTM :)
Promotions 28/06/2020 Helpers: @FourNut @Dionnysus @Simplistiq @TenWah Moderators: @CoolElla @Konst_ @Pinkapie Congrats to everyone