Separate names with a comma.
I have an application where if I hit Command+Shift+4 it will record the past 30 seconds of my game so when I find a hacker I just record the past...
Hey Fajo, I love this idea! I think adding trails to new projectiles would be a fun add-on and I would love to see all of these be implemented...
Hey, I think this would just be unnecessary because if it is your first ban, depending on the severity it can be anywhere from 1 hour to 1 month....
I don't know if I'm going to apply yet but thanks anyways :)
I see what your saying but there is already a way to look at your block count all you have to do is /stats. Although it could be a good idea to...
If the stream is taking place on Mccentral then there should be no reason to punish for this. As long as the link relates to the server it is...
There are other ways around this such as, first one to my warp or first one to msg me or even first one to pay me. Because there are so many...
I agree, although this isn't a very important feature like you mentioned, I still think think it could be a good idea just so people know how...
The problem isn't that people log while actually fighting, its that they are in a fight and then they run away and then log. Although the zombie...
Yeah I see what you're saying. Like you said earlier, staff members are always working very hard to deal with the hackers and such. The thing is...
Hey! Im selling 15% shop discount perks if you're interested. If so, just message me in game and we can work out a deal :)
The reason for this as I'm sure you know is just that if a player gets disconnected, they will be able to rejoin within a certain time. I see how...
I thought so considering that's how it is on other sub servers but considering you can't sell wool in the shop I would ask someone who has a sheep...
With resets they often will change spawner drops and percentages to switch things up with each season. This just makes it so each season is a...
I agree, it would be frustrating after putting a lot of time and effort into an island to be kicked by the leader. Ive seen this happen to many...
The turtle and the stitch pocket pals and are personally my favorite. Turtles are my favorite animal and stitch is just adorable :)
Im in the same boat as you, I used to play skywars a lot and was also on monthly leaderboards for awhile. I don't really play mini games often...
In my opinion, I think the border size shouldn't be altered because increasing it would make the game last too long. Each UHC game can already...
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