Separate names with a comma.
Hello, im LendingGalaxy. I see the point of /anvil being useful as on prisons, people wan't to repair there armor quickly but you would have to...
Maybe you can make a suggestion to have one located somewhere like at /warp tutorial or some place if there aint one already.
gang is op :O
Hey man! IGN: LendingGalaxy Discord Username: LendingGalaxy#6986 My favorite thing about christmas is how I actually get to see some of my family...
Hello im LendingGalaxy I've been wondering, what else can I do to practice more to become a staff member? I've been studying all the rules and...
Hey, I can agree with your idea, it would be cool if there was a setting as some people wan't to see the particles and the chest opening ect when...
-IGN: LendingGalaxy -Discord: LendingGalaxy#6986 -Reason: I honestly think its nice of you doing a giveaway for everyone and I love prison and...
I completely agree with you! The only issue I see is that theres usually tons of people in pvp and it would get cramped but I miss the old pvp...
Stoker, nobody knows the set date for the prison reset, it will be announced when there is a date so you can look out for that! My guess is early...
Hello, I am LendingGalaxy I'm here to talk about a change to skyblock. I understand the reasoning to change it where only the island owner could...
I honestly think it was for the best that this change happened, it was good for a while and it had to change or people would become rich again...
I don't really understand this idea, could you go into more detail please? Like, what minigames would this be used for? What kind of gamemodes...
They wouldnt be able to see much of a difference as you really dont get banned on creative as there is nothing to be banned for, well there is but...
Hello, I am LendingGalaxy I honestly dont agree with adding a new rank. If adding ancient rank, it defeats the purpose of ancient armor, which...
Hello, I’m LendingGalaxy I honestly think when making a cobble generator, there is a chance an ore such as lapis or gold will spawn. This...
I understand where everyone’s Coming from but some players may not know what a middle man is, as players sometimes ask me. Money is hard worked...
Im pretty sure it already was just hidden in a way
Hello, I am LendingGalaxy There currently isn’t any rule on scamming for irl deals on prison or factions. Losing or stealing in real life money...
LendingGalaxy#6986 71 I feel like discord nitro would be a cool feature to have and possibly see what it’s about and possibly do giveaways for it...
You would buy the egg from the buycraft store or possibly put it in keys. It wouldn’t really be an event just something you could buy or have it...