Separate names with a comma.
I personally love this idea, it would save a lot of time. If this isn't able to be added, I suggest adding something so that we would be able to...
I agree, this season's LMS map does seem quite small and cramped, especially when comparing it to last season. +1 from me
(Assuming you're Rank S+, meaning for Lapis, Emerald Dia) Currently, the best ore shop I believe is: /p h Song, owned by TheGordonRamsay Second...
There’s currently a free magma cube spawner at /p h dimsum, as well as it being an amazing sell shop for Diamonds, Emeralds and Lapis. (Owned by...
Mining so long with one tool eventually develops sentimental feelings ;^;. Renaming your pick what you want would be great! I love this idea,...
Token Luck doesn’t increase the rate of getting tokens, it increases the chance of doubling the tokens you get, meaning you can get 2 tokens...
aqua y r u stalking rad
maybe get out of my basement???
u have 5 minutes
pay rent or get outta my basement.
First and foremost, thank you so much for reading my post & giving me a substantial amount of effort in the reply, it’s very much appreciated <3....
So, it has come to my attention whenever I'm on, there has been multiple instances of PVP players who are solely talking in chat to talk to each...
For the spawners, I'm giving a huge +1 to the / toggle command, that would seriously benefit myself and those with lag problems. (This is also...
A ha ha B)
Agreed, especially for those without Emerald+. Non-rankers and people below Emerald don't have the ability to get out of sticky situations with...
After reading your posts & comments, and seeing the video attached, I can see why staff believes you do have/had client modifications. While you,...
Master_Aqua sir, please bless me with a follow back. I will take you out for lunch <3