Separate names with a comma.
UwU rawr
Someday the Mentor team was drunk and they decided it was a good idea to give me Senior, idk why men. Their worst decision ever
Was good to have you on the team mate
Men :c Thanks for all your hard work!
Hey Daddy. In my opinion the Duel Wagers are more how I would like to see ArenaPvP, but at the same time they make arena seem useless. Why should...
I'd go back a day. Yesterday I dropped a pizza slice on the floor. With that pizza slice, my soul also fell in darkness. If I could go back a...
Hey, I'm your best friend and jemelina is not your best friend. She's only like your second best friend or maybe even lower. Ily
Username: Dionnysus Discord: Youri#2087 What I like about JakeOnPc: I don't want to turn this in a cliché where I say I like everything about...
Dionnysus Youri#2087 The best thing about the server is my presence.
You're quite attractive ;)
I would like to say that yours looks hotter, but my mother told me not to lie <3
Welcome back!
Good stuff Bruno! :D
SS me, you won't
Ola ola She can appeal her ban here: The person who banned her should have video evidence that...
Bonjour kuieren, I'm also aware that the mobile forums and the desktop one differ from each other in a few ways. It's also way easier to get to...
Ola Ola I didn't play on the server when the build team got disbanded so I haven't got a single clue how it functioned, how strict the...