Separate names with a comma.
Me wondering how you are doing, because me no so good
When you get RIck rolled by Elecctricc for trying to look at his home page... :Crying:
me just realizing that it does the same thing for 3 minutes... but like FACTS
Yes! There is only going to be 1 winner since there was no real way to divide up everything evenly, sorry!
Hey everyone! Im glad to pronounce: Erik_SE as the winner of the giveaway! They have 24 hours to add me on discord (TheKingOfTurtlez#3673) and dm...
When you slide into FourNuts Signature, and his Dm's are next :evil_laugh: evil-laugh.mp4
Ray01=Best Mod i know
Hey, ray isn't going to do anything about that here! You can submit an appeal at the link: and appeal...
Hey! The staff members try there hardest to look at reports! If you have 20-30 Open forums reports you can always join the MCC Discord (Click on...
Hey there! People do this because the NEED the money to get to is top #1 (Because that is the goal) So if people are going to try and get to IS...
YES A PART 2 ITS AMAZAING! Love the content
Hey! Im pretty sure this is the 2nd time you have commented on a profile post, This isn't gunna happen here. Staff aren't going to help you here...
being bored, abt to be streaming later @ my twitch
Big phat oof for mxbel.
I'm late ik ;-; but congrats on helper dude! You worked hard for it! You will be a great member of the staff team! Keep up the good and hard work!
Hey! The mute system is based on your past punishments. Kuieren was just doing his job, and since you posted a link in chat that was unrealted to...
Hey JoaoOssucci! This does seem like a cool think to try! The ending to the video was great and the music was amazing! I think that your channel...
Hey @TorontoCanada ! I COMPLETELY agree with you on this thread. MCC is one of the better servers in my opinion. The skyblock is way better here,...
I agree what with Zonafer said. If they allowed unbans back into the shop I think it would have to be for $25-$50 dollars, and I still don't see...