Separate names with a comma.
Yeah I would fall asleep if this was in effect, I don't understand how a helper would possibly get minutes as their duties are limited to simply...
why do people love that game so much?
oh I messed up bruh
this is the one math class I'll never take I'll take Linear Alegbra and Multivariable calculus instead
Yeah I didn't want to put it out directly this kid would just report me or something weird.
is 1/5sin(25)+5 right or sin(25)/5 + 5 right?
they aren't that good you just need to know how to strafe and block hit, w tapping doesn't work on this server.
Look at the section of the forums which this was typed in For the actual question, stop cleaning fights and going in p5 s6 and actually 1v1 people.
dang it bro how is this person not demoted yet I want TheVortexed back
bro thanks man, I remember talking to you quite a bit in the mentee discord, those were the days.
^ This kid was freaking out after we got into a call after promos
Very cool
Unless the KitPvP community still sucks at pvp this doesn't look right lol.
I can change that ;)
IGN: EssentialsPlus Discord: Bookeds#5230
IGN: EssentialsPlus Discord: Bookeds#5230 Thanks for hosting this
nice bro
yeah I'm literally licking my screen right now