Separate names with a comma.
I honestly do not think minigames shouldn't be "updated" but revamped and they should add more fun minigames in the near future. I just wanna say...
I agree with Rimple aka Josh on that exposing "legendary" votes would just ruin the whole aspect of seeing who won the build battle at the very...
Hello Animated, I can see that it could mess with the revenue with the server and it is needed and honestly going back and fourth from toggling...
HELLO! I really do not know if this has been mentioned anywhere but I just wanna put this out there to see what people have to say about it. If...
ATTENTION!! The following screenshots will also show you the problem with the "inventory" mess with skywars and I was looking at these...
Hello! I been coming back and fourth to this server and I noticed an issue when it comes to playing mini gameson MCC. This issue is nothing huge...
Imy2 cutie
I'm trying to get back into mcc but Skywars and SG is all I play and it gets boring quickly and why should I change my forums name lol
I'm always down to 1v1 if you wanna fight me but since I took a break I been rusty asf but I QD a kid with the IGN Same on Viper :joy:
been grinding real life but the #1 Skywars Legend will come back and don't get it twisted
aaron just threw me in their and didn't tell me about anyone so LOL
I would be Swiper from Dora The Explorer when it comes to hackers LOL
Yknow aaron aka BtwImQuestion tried getting me into it really by giving me really good gear but I just don't know how to pvp on their like you get...
just hard love
Best CTF player who is more hot
I'm watching you.