Separate names with a comma.
Beta cheated for #1 overall but where they at on monthly? can you help me find them.. - pulls out map - BRO THIS IS NOT EVEN HELPING ME!!!!
People out here getting false banned for reach and "anti knockback" but I'm out here getting long hits and taking like hardly any knockback and...
Hi I would like to say that you're a tryhard #support wannabe staff Sincerely, Austin
So the main reason I am making this post is to see what other people have to say is a way to fix this and it's mostly here just to give me some...
little bit of Trippe Red and good vibes then you already know we shredding skywars homie
Hello, so this post is just here to see what the non-staff team thinks about this clip on Betraya. I will like to say if staffs want to reply and...
One of my favorite TSW members , we be taking down these szz clowns like if they are butter :clown:
such an amazing words of wisdom
MCC Staff Team..? Hello my name is Austin, I just wanna make a post talking about the current staff team and how we need a serious revamp for it...
I might as well try to get staff as soon as I can just to help out MCC
MCC MEME! ====================================================== alex_markey when people want a skywars update.. [IMG] But in reality...
MCC IN A FEW WORDS... mainly making this for tianna and bob to look at :) Hate me if you want but like idc if this gets hate lmfao (Not every...
Monnlin is really gay...
I would like to see if they could make this possible in the future, I truly do understand the struggle of new factions that start playing mid-map...
I am pretty sure you was muted for the right reason and you shouldn't of done what you have done. I personally know ItsGuih and he doesn't make...
I personally do not think reducing chests/hoppers for prisons for example is such a good idea in my stance. The higher the prestige you are in...
-1 mainly due to the fact you didn’t take this post as serious in my eyes
I agree with Pasear since sky block is very fun and skywars just needs updates!
I do agree that hackers can bring the worse side of us out very easy but we should just ignore them. If the player got reported to staff either in...