Separate names with a comma.
Also it was little boomy that gave you a 2 week mute, Mistor AcceptedAppeal gave you a 2 day mute on IncorectPassword for encouraging suicide....
Screen shot the players namemc profile then? :Think:
Idk if this would help but perhaps they could try having a community shop (like /shop on other subservers) that the players could buy / sell at....
This is probably a terrible idea but I think it'd be interesting if the lottery amount was based on the money the server takes when you cf. Like...
Alright let me reiterate this post but in a more professional manner, Adding a dislike button would allow players who disagree with certain posts...
hi please add a dislike button so that I can dislike comments from the brain dead wannabe mentees, k thanks <3
I'm not usually one to tell someone their opinion is wrong but in this case, yours is. This honestly just reminds me of people saying donator mine...
the audacity
small person behaviour
Omg this is a huge +1
This is a nice idea, it sound similar too how the gang chat and pmine chats work on prison so it should be possible. +1.
Lmao, Its pretty fucking clear what they meant, A togglable command to switch from normal chat to party chat. Also why would you assume that if...
what is this coordinated scam D:
Well basically, In past seasons the dmine has been perfectly fine in my opinion, Its not exactly the best but it still has it's uses, the pvp mine...
PRISON SEASON XI: IDEAS Hello Prisoners! I am once again making a thread dedicated to some Prison ideas / changes! Lets get right into it. Prison...
It Died
With prison season X slowly coming to an end I've been racking my brain for some new prison ideas. I Came across this thread: What if..., and I'd...
Hi Hi Sweet potato <3
australia day because it’s the best holiday <3