Separate names with a comma.
i think I’m blushing a bit too <3
no u
smooth 100%
peanut butter
Hey Elecctricc! I love this idea and I love the effort you put into designing some custom tags! I think this would really encourage more people...
Hey! This is a cool Idea and I agree that It would encourage people to report players. However, I feel like this is just going to cause there...
no you
o... i - forgot it was a private function
i thought it was tomorrow...
Hey! Staff members have 3 days to check appeals. I’m sure he will get to it as soon as he is available. (this rule doesn’t apply to admins)
it's okay D: im used to it LOL
Hey! I understand that it might be frustrating not getting your question answered. I recommend joining the Official Minecraft Central Discord...
Hey! I completely understand your frustration and the staff team is well aware of the issue. I believe the owners are working on a minigames...
what abt you? :o
wowwww I though I was :((
Hey Elecctricc! First off I'd just like to say wow... I love this visual aids you've used in this suggestion to help those who aren't sure on...
Hey Elecctricc! I like this idea of having a best friends list, it could add a whole new layer to the friends system. To manage the chat flood...